7М07203 Food safety

7М07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries(Field of education)
7М072 Manufacturing and manufacturing industries(Group of educational programs)
M111 Food Production (Educational program)

OP goal:

Training highly qualified personnel with in-depth, systemic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in professional, research and teaching training in the field of food safety

Formable learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrates developing knowledge of the scientific worldview, history and philosophy of science;

  • Capable of written and oral professional communication in one of the foreign languages;

  • Leads the team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences;

  • Applies knowledge of the methodological foundations of higher education pedagogy and professional education in educational activities;

  • Models and predicts the development of hazardous situations, assesses and analyzes food safety risk assessment;

  • Develops work plans and programs for scientific research and technical development using algorithms and mathematical models in the field of planning and sales of safe products, collects and interprets information to form judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;

  • Organizes and conducts research in the field of food safety, quality management in enterprises, reporting of enterprises, applies new methods for controlling pollutants, develops technical regulations in food enterprises;

  • Organizes inspection activities of products, processes and services, applies knowledge of methodology and methods of export control of quality and food safety aimed at increasing competitiveness;

  • Applies knowledge of assessing food safety and hygiene, the level of toxicological and radiation contamination in food products, analyzes measurement results, clearly and unambiguously communicates information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions for both specialists and non-specialists;

  • Applies at a professional level knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems in the development and implementation of a food safety system at food industry enterprises in a new environment, in a broad interdisciplinary context using digital technologies ;

  • Has the skills of organizing and conducting laboratory and experimental research in the field of food safety, conducting enterprise reporting, mastering risk control methods, diagnosing and technical objects, developing technical regulatory documents in research and teaching activities. Clearly communicates information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.

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